Arunas Mazeika

I'm a passionate backend web developer who likes to spend his time writing stuff for the web. While always advocating re-factoring above all I also believe that writing simple and clean code is the key to create great software
Nantes, France

Use my jekyll theme


If you want to use my jekyll theme, follow the instructions and host it yourself. Easily setup as a Github page.

To add pages (for example a portfolio, an extra about page, and so on), you need to link them to the index.html manually. Required to configure in this dimensions is a bit of html and jekyll know-how. Reading the Jekyll docs could help. All other things are easy to edit and configure, even without much jekyll experience.

Theme features

  • Projects showcase
  • RSS and ATOM feed
  • Blogpost pagination
  • SEO meta tags, structured data
  • twitter cards
  • made with MaterializeCSS
  • Disqus comments


1. Get the sources

1.1 Clone

Clone the repository from github:

1.2 or download

2. Configure

  • Replace all the configuration in _config.yml and _data/projects.yml by your own data. Change the name, email address, configure your your language settings.
    And most important: change the site’s URL! Optionally add your google analytics ID.

  • Put your address and legal info into imprint.html.

  • Change the icon images/favicon.png.

  • Replace the domain name in the robots.txt

  • Don’t forget the

3. Start writing posts

Replace the existing example post and then add your own!
Have a look at the Jekyll docs about how to write blog posts.
To add tags to your posts, look into the example, you’ll see that there is a line starting with tags:. Add your keywords there.

4. You’re done

Take a stop on the Github project page. Feel free to give a star and share it with others!
You have questions, feedback or something to improve, mail me or open issues on github. Contributions are always welcome.
Thanks to them who have already helped to improve, especially @varundey!
See the Github Project